GATES Powergrip GT3 Synchronous Timing Belt 880-8MGT-50 | D:125.0000 mm; Oil Speed Rating n2:6000 rpm; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:6000 rpm; Sealed Speed Rating n3:3400 rpm; B:24.00 mm; d:70.000 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:45000 N; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:60500 N; Grease Speed Rating n1:5000 rpm; Fillet Radius ra:1.50 mm; Accessories:Snap-Ring; Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:5000 rpm; |
GREAT PRICEGreat price compared to similar brand new items | d:40.000 mm; Fillet Radius ra:1.50 mm; B:23.00 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:36000 N; D:90.0000 mm; Accessories:Snap-Ring; Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:6200 rpm; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:7500 rpm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:46800 N; |
Shop on eBay | Configuration:Single Row; Factor fo:14.0; ra (max):1 mm; Radial Clearance:0.015 to 0.033 mm; D:80 mm; B:18 mm; Static Load Rating:17,900 N; d:40 mm; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:1.1 mm; Da (max):73 mm; Weight:0.366 kg; Enclosure:Open; Limiting Speed - Oil:10,000 rpm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Dynamic Load Rating:29,100 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:8,700 rpm; da (min):47 mm; |
Gates GT3 1040 8MGT GATES | Bore Type:Tapered Bore; Hole Diameter (do):5 mm; Nr. of Holes:6; Retainer Material:Pressed Steel; Constant e:0.21; D:260 mm; Roller Profile:Symmetric; Da (max):246 mm; da (min):134 mm; Enclosure:Open; Limiting Speed - Oil:2,500 rpm; Weight:15.300 kg; ra (max):2.5 mm; Groove Width A:12 mm; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:3 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:2,100 rpm; Static Load Rating:765,000 N; Radial Clearance:0.135 to 0.170 mm; |
Gates 1600-8MGT-50 Powergrip GT 3 Timing Belt NEW | Shielded or Sealed B1:5.0 mm; d:4.800 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:490 N; D:12.7000 mm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:956 N; Accessories:Two Shields; Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:57000 rpm; Width Plain B:4.0 mm; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:69000 rpm; Sealed Speed Rating n3:40000 rpm; Fillet Radius ra:0.30 mm; |
Gates Powergrip GT 3MR375 1161SS 125 Tooth Drive Belt 15mm Width | B:49.00 mm; Accessories:One Shield; D:225.0000 mm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:205000 N; Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:2400 rpm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:232000 N; d:105.000 mm; Fillet Radius ra:2.50 mm; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:2900 rpm; |
GATES GT3 1800-8MGT-30 | Da (max):45 mm; Limiting Speed - Oil:16,000 rpm; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:0.3 mm; D1 (max):45.7 mm; Snap Ring Width:0.9 mm; ra (max):0.3 mm; Factor fo:16.4; da (min):37 mm; D:47 mm; Weight:0.030 kg; Snap Ring Outside Diameter:49.8 mm; b (min):1 mm; d:35 mm; r1:0.3 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Enclosure:Single Shield with S; Radial Clearance:0.015 to 0.033 mm; Static Load Rating:3,800 N; Dynamic Load Rating:4,750 N; |
Gates 880-8MGT-50 PowerGrip GT 3 Synchronous Timing Belt Antistatic To ISO 9563 | Basic Interchange FAF:203KL; Basic Interchange BCA:8503; Width - Overall B:14.3 mm; Speed Rating-Single and Double Sealed Grease SDG:12000 rpm; Width - Outer Ring B0:12.0 mm; Accessories:8000 One Seal; Fillet Radius ra:0.64 mm; d:17.000 mm; Basic Interchange NDH:8503; Old MRC Bearing Number:203FS; Width - Inner Ring B1:13.70 mm; Basic Radial Load Rating-Dynamic DC:9560 N; D:40.0000 mm; Basic Radial Load Rating-Static SCO:4800 N; |
No. | Brand | D | d | B | Da | r1 | da | ra | Dx |
3MR375 | - | 225.0000 mm | 105.000 mm | 49.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 600.0000 mm | 440.000 mm | 74.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
1040-8MGT-20 | - | 120 mm | 55 mm | 29 mm | - | 2 mm | - | - | - |
1587-3MGT-09 | - | 190 mm | 105 mm | 36 mm | - | 0.5 mm | - | - | - |
2800-8MGT-85 | - | 120 mm | - | 13 mm | - | 0.5 mm | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 90.0000 mm | 40.000 mm | 36.50 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 125.0000 mm | 70.000 mm | 24.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 110.0000 mm | 80.000 mm | 16.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 47.0000 mm | 20.000 mm | 20.60 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
600 | - | 95 mm | 35 mm | 15 mm | 73 mm | - | 57 mm | - | - |
2000-8MGT-30 | - | 170 mm | 95 mm | 32 mm | - | 2.1 mm | - | - | - |
880-8MGT-50 | - | 40.0000 mm | 17.000 mm | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1280-8MGT-20 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
gt3 | - | 54.0000 mm | 28.600 mm | - | - | - | - | - | - |
#3 | - | 100 mm | 55 mm | 33.3 mm | - | - | 64 mm91 mm | 1.5 mm | 108 mm |
GT3-750-5MGT-25 | - | 310.0000 mm | 200.000 mm | 102.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 260 mm | - | 55 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 47 mm | 35 mm | - | - | 0.3 mm | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
1600-8MGT-50 | - | 12.7000 mm | 4.800 mm | - | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 100.0000 mm | 45.000 mm | 25.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
3MR280 | - | 130.0000 mm | 85.000 mm | 22.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
5M | - | - | 100 mm | 30 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
GT3 | - | 215.0000 mm | 100.000 mm | 82.60 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
3MR420-15 | - | 200.0000 mm | 95.000 mm | 67.00 mm | - | - | - | - | - |
Gates 2000-8MGT-30 PowerGrip GT3 Synchronous Timing Belt 8MM Pitch Video
Gates PowerGrip GT3 Belts - 5M 900-5MGT-25
This item: Gates PowerGrip GT3 Belts - 5M 900-5MGT-25. $52.10. Usually ships within 6 to 10 days. Ships from and sold by E.B. · Gates 32915 Clamp. $4.78. Usually ...
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Gates PowerGrip GT3 Synchronous Belts 2MM Pitch
100-2MGT-04 Gates PowerGrip GT3 synchronous belt 100mm length 94000050 Replaces Part Number 2MR-100-04. Price: $2.68. You Save: $2.70 (50%).
PowerGrip® GT3 - Gates Europe - PDF Catalogs | Brochure
Gates' latest development in synchronous rubber belts is PowerGrip® GT3. The PowerGrip® GT3 product range is a major leap in synchronous rubber belt technology.
PowerGrip® GT®3 | Gates Unitta
PowerGrip® GT3 is Gates' latest development in synchronous rubber belts. This technically advanced belt covers the widest range of industrial applications.
This technically advanced belt covers a very wide range of industrial applications. The PowerGrip® GT3 belt transmits up to 50% more power than the previous ...
Timing belts / Powergrip GT3 / 2M, 3M, 5M, 8M, 14M / rubber ...
Timing belts / Powergrip GT3 / 2M, 3M, 5M, 8M, 14M / rubber / fibreglass / GATES from GATES ➤ Order in many variants in the MISUMI online shop ➤ Free CAD ...
GT® Timing Belts and Pulleys - SDP/SI
The GT2 Belts are being phased out and replaced by the new GT3 Belt Drive System. Both the PowerGrip GT2 and GT3 ... Download: FAQ - Gates GT Timing Belts
PowerGrip® GT®3 Belts | Gates Corporation
PowerGrip® GT3 belts are made of a highly advanced combination of materials designed to reduce both initial and operating costs. The entire PowerGrip® GT3 ...